112 emergency center
What do the emergency centres 112 do?

You can call the emergency centres 24h/24 and 7d/7 for assistance.
The operators and calltakers are always ready to help you when you are in distress. They reassure you, they tell you what to do and they prevent the necessary emergency services.
Emergency calls

When you need to call an emergency number, you are often in a stressful situation. Yet, it is important that you can provide the operator with precise and correct information and that you can answer his questions.
Try, before you call, to find out the following: the exact location, the type of emergency and if there are wounded persons.
Call the number 112 for the fire brigade, an ambulance or the police.
In Belgium you dial the number 101 for urgent police assistance.
Project 112

The aim of the project 112 is that everyone in Europe can call for free for the assistance of the fire department, the medical emergency services and the police through the unique emergency number 112.
The Directorate 112 of the Directorate-General Civil Security continually works, together with its operators, to optimize the functioning of the emergency centres. Important projects are for instance making the emergency number 112 available for deaf and hearing-impaired persons and the project eCall.

Opleidingen voor operatoren en calltakers in de noodcentrales.

Verzameling van de wetten, besluiten en omzendbrieven over de noodcentrales.
Hoe operator worden?
Operatoren en calltakers stellen oproepers in nood gerust, vertellen hen wat ze moeten doen en verwittigen de nodige hulpdiensten.